If the observed and ditadabbur verses above, for the believer to live and die they are successful, he still believes the original just more so a fighter and Defenders ... THE TRUTH!
Death is the door to reply to the eternal nature ... The fact he is a door leading to death in the afterlife ... PARADISE
Even Mujahid did not die but live freely in the world to fly in heaven...
Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Paper:
al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001
al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001
Ben Laden mati dah lama..???
News denies Ben Laden killed American troops to die rather common due to health problems and was buried with immediate family attended ....???
Hollywood 'Dark Hero "wrote the law before the adili terorrist ... .. known criminals before the law? punished .... FALSE EVIDENCE BEFORE
THEY ....??? Is this fair..????
It is also possible that 'hero' of their biggest theatrical scenes ...??? Who is 'hero' who will appear again in the world's largest TV screen by them after this ..???
Ooooo...I see....!
Bayang dan gambarkan foto ini ..bagai 'Pemuka-pemuka " Kuffar Quraisy yang stress bila merancang membunuh Ar-Rasul.... saat menjelang 'Hijrah Baginda ke Madina Al-Munawwarah'...kesihan ya mereka......!!
Di zaman ledakan maklumat tanpa batas ini, paling penting kita perlu memenangi ' games' yang sentisa berlegar di sekitar kita....antara hak dan batil, antara benar/hidayah dan nafsu, antara manusia dan Syaitan laknatullah...hakikatnya dunia ini penuh persaingan...!! selama ada hayat dan alam sehingga tiba kehancuran alam...
Musuh selalu memutar belit bagi mencapai agenda yang memenangkan mereka..tetapi Allahlah "wali' bagi Mukmin sedangkan mereka tiada ' penyokong/pelindung' sebenarnya..!!
Moga kita dipilih Allah menjadi orang-orang yang MENANG!!
Ummi Wardah.
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